The webLog that had Steve Taylor raving:

"Cory, your blog is so funny. I wish I was as witty as you."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Conquistador, Part IV: Defeat

Welcome to the final installment, Conquistador


“Mo-o-o-o-m! Where’s my shoe?”

“Keep looking! You must’ve put it somewhere.”

“I need it now! I’ll be late to Jimmy’s party!”

“Why don’t these kids just put things back where they belong?” my mother asked herself, “This room is pathetic. You can’t even see the floor! How do they live like this?”

She reached beneath the bed in search of the lost shoe.

“What is this…what the…JACK!! Get over here right now! What is this?” she interrogated fiercely.

“Nothing.” HA! I tricked her. Yet another victory for he who is mighty to conquer.

“Sit down! You’re not leaving.”

“But the party!”

“How long has this pepperoni been here?”

“I don’t know.” Hahaha! She’ll never break me. I’ve an iron will!

“You’re grounded for a week.”

“But I…but…how can...I need…”

Death. Death by cornering. That’s why I’m here today. No I didn’t go to the party. I sat in that corner for an hour. I haven’t even been out of this stupid house in a week.

Perhaps even a knight has to ask permission.


The End


Cory "شكري" Stephens said...

I am looking for someone to illustrate my story. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea. Have you ever read Calvin and Hobbes? When Calvin daydreams about being Spaceman Spiff, he sees things as he imagines, but when reality breaks through, the pictures show how things really are. You might try something like this.