The webLog that had Steve Taylor raving:

"Cory, your blog is so funny. I wish I was as witty as you."

Friday, March 14, 2008

A story from the life of my g-g-grandpa Alexander Nephi Stephens

This is a story recorded in Stephens Family Histories, as remembered by John Nephi Stephens, my great-grandfather, about his dad, Alexander:

"Another story he told was that he went into Ogden one winter day. Later in the afternoon he was coming out of the Ogden Theater, the theater was about half way up the hill on 25th street. As he came out he saw a very large negro lady carefully coming down the icy sidewalk. Suddenly both of her feet slipped out from under her and she slid down to where Dad was and knocked both his feet out from under him and he landed sitting up in her lap and thus they continued down the hill until they came to a sudden stop against a telephone pole on the main corner of Washington Avenue and 25th Street. Then the colored lady said, 'White boy, you all got to get a transfer, this is as far as I go.' "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My GG grandfather was Alexander Nephi Stephens I have heard thts story before