The webLog that had Steve Taylor raving:

"Cory, your blog is so funny. I wish I was as witty as you."

Friday, February 29, 2008

Conquistador, Part II: Treasure

Welcome to the Second installment of four, Conquistador


“Special! $.99 Green Giant Green Beans”

Swoosh. The mystical door slid open. I immediately sprang into action with the agility of a cat, penetrating the foreign realm. I slipped into the corner and concealed myself in the “shopping carts for your convenience” jungle of steel. It’s quiet. Why is it so quiet? I don’t like the feeling here. Something is wrong! Run! Run now!

“Thank you for Shopping Wilson’s. We are glad you have chosen us as your neighborhood grocer.”

The Gods! The Gods are speaking to m…Crash!

“Oh my dear! I am sorry! I didn’t even see you! Are you all right? You’re not a day over six, where is your mother? Come with me, we’ll go find he-he-HEY! Come back!”

With the instincts of a jaguar and the strength of a bear I tore free from the terrible grasp that held me hostage. None may conquer! Now on to the prize.

There. There it was. Not even guarded. A mountain of that which is most precious and pure above all other bounty! More desirable than any fair maiden. Not that they are fair in the first place. Eeeew. I don’t even like thinking about ‘em. Cooties.

I solemnly approached that which was mine to be had. Nothing stood in my way. I inched closer. I reached up to grasp the long shrink-wrapped tube. Reeeeeeach. Streeeeetch. Tippy tippidy tip toes….Blasted giants. I will construct a mighty tower! This pickle bucket will do. VICTORY!!!

I could feel my mouth salivate as I held in reverence the blazing red tube of fresh pepperoni. My hands trembled at the sacred possession. In my soul stirred the ardent passions felt—I imagine—only by those valiant knights of old who, in search of glory, sought the carpenter’s cup. I gazed, mesmerized with anticipation of breaking the seal and releasing the sharp aroma of divinely peppered pork and beef. I resisted.

Warily I traversed the aisles seeking my retreat. Perched upon a wall, the keeper of the gate towered over my own height, vigilant. I approached and in a knightly voice declared my intention of departure, with the pepperoni.

“Two dollars and seventy-eight cents, Son.” His voice warbled with age. He must be as ancient as the sages. I emptied my purse.

“That’s quite a bit of change you got there, boy.”

Question not the heart of he who is mighty to conquer lest your head you wish to lose!

Ne’er before had the moon so shone.
The stars but mild specks in the firmament
were. Valor had no name, nor chivalry a face,
before the day, the noble Knight, for his home did race.

To Be Continued...

Stay tuned for Conquistador, Part III: Re-entry

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