The webLog that had Steve Taylor raving:

"Cory, your blog is so funny. I wish I was as witty as you."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Conquistador, Part III: Re-entry

Welcome to the third instalment of four, Conquistador


Silence. A worthy companion yet, in treacherous defiance, she abandons her master at the slightest sound. Betrayal is her game and quick is her flight. If, though, her loyalty one does win, secret successful passage is his. Silence be a lady tonight. Silence, if you’ve ever been a lady to begin with, Silence be a lady with me.

Ever so gently I drew to the gate, my movement soft and my steps silent. The great knob turned, breaching the portal. I slithered through the darkness as a serpent in the marsh. Nothing disturbed. Nothing heard and nothing seen, but the flicker of a flame hovering upon the wall.

My hoard rests deep beneath the roots of trees. Nowhere but below the soil lies the lair where mighty Knights their weariness show. Thus descended I, in the middle of the night, to my room.

To Be Continued...

Stay tuned for Conquistador, Part IV: Defeat


Ted Lee said...

Sad as this may make me sound, I eagerly await for the series finale.

Cory "شكري" Stephens said...

Sad my Foot! this is a tale of INTRIGUE...